9 years ago
Thursday, January 7, 2010
changing times
So, today is David's 19th birthday. He is officially a college student at BYU Idaho. We are officially empty-nesters. Weird. I know your kids are supposed to grow up and move on in life, and I'm supportive of that. It's just the 'empty' part of empty nest I don't like. David is having fun so far and is good about me stalking him. Luckily I have the other kids and grandkids near to bug. We had a great Christmas with all the kids around - except Derek who we have to get here soon! All of the kids are growing so much it's amazing. I think I'm officially old. But, these are great times. Experiencing the fruits of the parenting labors. And, when you see your grandkids and they are thrilled to see you it's great for your heart - and ego. So, fewer excuses regarding my lame blogging. Hopefully you will all see many more posts from me in 2010! 
Monday, August 3, 2009
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times . .
To say that the last several weeks have been eventful is such an understatement.
First off, Sarah finally went into the hospital on 8/16 to deliver our newest grandbaby - Brooke Lyn Robinson. After 33 hours of labor - 30 of those on pitocin - and pushing and a vacuum our sweet baby was born. 12:52 am, 8/18/09, 8 lb 9 oz. She was bruised up because it was not an easy ordeal for her. But she was healthy as could be. Her momma worked very hard and it was the worst labor experience I've been part of. At the end I was really worried about Sarah and Brooke's health. When Sarah was pushing she was exhausted. After one of the last pushes I thought she passed out but she just dropped from exhaustion. But, all ended well. I stayed with Kip, Sarah & Brooke till Friday 8/24 and had a wonderful time. It was so nice to spend time with Kip and Sarah and get to know my new grandaughter. I could never get enough of holding her!
On Friday I was packing up to leave Sarah's and return back home when I got a voicemail on my cell phone. Our friend Carolyn called to let me know there was an 'incident' at our house. Makenna had drowned and was resuscitated. She was breathing and was on the way to Children's Hospital with Amanda. Well, as I cried I threw everything in the car and rushed out. I called Tyler when I was on my way to let him know to get over to the hospital ASAP. I called Carolyn back to find out what had happened. There was a pool party at our house - I knew that was going on. There were two other families there besides Amanda and her kids. The Knoops - Carolyn (who called me) and her husband KC w/ their three kids. The others there were Jeri Lamp with her three kids and another kid or two. Makenna had on her lifejacket and also one of those rings kids wear. KC, Carolyn and Jeri were in the pool w/ the kids and Amanda had Kellen in the house to put lotion on him. All of a sudden Jeri noticed Makenna floating like a ragdoll face-down in the water. She grabbed the back of Makenna's life jacket and pulled her out and called to KC (a coast guard) to grab her. KC took her and immediately started CPR. At that point Makenna was blue and her pupils were dialated. All of the adults thought she was dead. KC finally found a pulse on her neck. He did rescue breathing for about 1 1/2 minutes. Finally she started breathing. At first she was not coherent but became so. By the time the paramedics arrived she was scared but was being held by her mother. They took an ambulance ride to the hospital and she was observed for 6 hrs. Very shortly after her arrival at the hospital her dad and grandpa gave her a blessing. Ultimately she was ok. No pneumonia. She was probably without oxygen for about 4 minutes so gratefully it was not long enough to do brain damage. We were soooo lucky KC was there. And, that Jeri noticed Makenna when she did. I have never felt as devestated as I did that day. To think that she could have died, to think that she could have had brain damage. We are sharing this story with everyone we can so that they learn - always have an adult assigned to be a lifeguard at any pool party!
So, I'm grateful beyond belief that all of my kids and grandkids are heare and healthy. I don't know if my heart can take another week like this though!!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Let's try it again.
So, I actually tried to make a posting in December and then again in February or so. I'm pretty lame at this whole thing. But, I have to start. So much is always going on that I'd like to keep everyone up on. Right now Sarah is about to pop - seriously look @ her blog and you'll think that. Little Brooke is officially due tomorrow. We'll see if she makes it on the scene in time. Damien is studying for the LSAT. Planning on law school. He goes back and forth between a desire to be a scheister lawyer and a good one. Tauren is working graveyard and he and Lori see people when they can (kind of hard w/ the vampire lifestyle). Amanda and Todd are busy w/ Makenna and Kellen. They came over tonight and swam. Makenna is crazy brave. Kind of like her momma. Kellen can finally army crawl so he's a little happier that he can get himself to what he wants. Derek is a hermit in Colorado. We saw Jennifer and the twins about 2 months ago but really need to see them again soon!! The girls are so grown up now. They turned 4 in March! David is enjoying the freedom of no school right now while adjusting to the real adult life of needing to work and earn $. He will be happy to go to school in January and not have to work so much. I recently got released after 3 yrs as RS president. Think I'm getting a new calling tomorrow. Tyler got released from the Singles Branch Presidency and is back on the High Council. Tyler, Todd, Damien and David are going to hike Mt Whitney in August. Starting an annual family tradition of a family hike/camping trip. Kipper wanted to go but figured his time would be much better spent w/ his lovely wife and new baby. That's it for now. No cute pictures right now. Just lucky to have put words down!
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